First of all, I know I’m a little late to this, but I’ve had these resolutions for a while. I just feel like documenting them and putting them somewhere will hopefully make me more accountable. In addition to posting them somewhere to increase accountability, I need to revise some of these goals so that they’re more specific and measurable. I’d like to review myself each month to keep track of my progress.

Well, here it goes, 2019 Resolutions:

  • Run a mile each day for a month
  • Complete Advent of Code 2018 in Haskell
  • Blog at least 3x a month
  • Improve my Hebrew literacy
  • Sign up for and run a 10K

Run a Mile Each Day for a Month

I use to love swimming but after I kept injuring myself, I realized it may not be the sport for me. While I still swim from time to time, I don’t do it everyday like I use to. I started introducing different workouts into my weekly exercises and running became one of them. While I enjoy running, I’m also doing a Bootcamp class on Monday, Wednesday, and sometimes Saturday of each week. This leaves less days per week to run in addition to fatigue. As of this post (January 12th 2019), I’ve ran 11 miles this month so far. I’m going to try my best to keep it up!

Complete Advent of Code 2018 in Haskell

I started this just before the New Year and I’m really enjoying the challenge. I think the hardest part of this is completing something that you’re starting. Well that and doing it in Haskell :P

Blog at least 3x/Month

I want to blog more consistently and I think this is a good goal to reach for.

Improve my Hebrew Literacy

I started learning to read Hebrew late last year on my own. While I know the alphabet, reading is very tricky. I don’t have a good plan for this, so I think coming up with a plan first and making this a more measurable goal would really help me achieving this goal.

Sign up and run a 10K

When I was swimming, I was always worried to sign up for a competition because I didn’t believe I was in my best form yet to compete. I didn’t ever end up competing because of that worry. My coworker, whom I run with, encouraged me to sign up for a 10K. I think to get over my fear of being things needing to be “perfect”", I should definitely do this. It kind of reminds me of the quote:

Perfect is the enemy of done.